Join us for CXWROX 35 in our brand new 5,000 sq ft club on the day of our grand opening! CXWORX Release 35 is fun, energetic, controlled and powerful, better yet... this class is FREE!
Exercising muscles around the core, CXWORX™ provides the vital ingredient for a stronger body. A stronger core makes you better at all things you do, from everyday life to your favorite sports - it’s the glue that holds everything together.
All the moves in CXWORX have options, so it’s challenging but achievable for your own level of fitness. During the 30-minute workout trained instructors guide you through correct technique as you work with resistance tubes and weight plates, as well as body weight exercises like crunches, and hovers. You will also get into some hip, butt and lower back exercises.
What to expect for this release?
Really effective Crunch combos, Spider Planks, Alternating Punching Rows, Hopping Pendulums, Jumping Climbers, and Resisted Pointers... just to name a few of the incredible movements in this workout.
CXWORX 35 has been designed to test both strength and stability. In each track you’ll feel a real sense of achievement as you perform each exercise.
The band and/or plates are featured in 80% of the workout, challenging your core stability. The music is exciting, uplifting and fun.
This class is FREE for everyone during our grand opening! We look forward to working out with you!