Prizes! Prizes! and more Prizes!
Truckee Downtown Merchant Association invites you to Downtown Truckee Cocktail Bingo! It's a bi-annual tradition of fun, laughter and play. Spend a fall night among friends playing 8 games of BINGO! Drinks from our no host bar and plenty of cheer! A small assortment of snacks provided. Don't wait to the last minute...this event ALWAYS sells out! Doors Open @ 6:15!
ADMISSION: $30 Per Person: Includes 3 cards
Red Light Special: $300 includes:Table of 10 players- Includes 3 cards per player, reserved table seating (personal or business name on table), PLUS 3 bonus cards!
Proceeds of this event support TDMA's Year-Round and Holiday lighting of Historic Downtown Truckee
Saturday Mar 2, 2019
6:15 PM - 9:30 PM PST
Saturday, March 2, 2019
6:15 - 9:30 pm
ADMISSION: $30 Per Person: Includes 3 cards
Red Light Special: $300 includes:Table of 10 players- Includes 3 cards per player, reserved table seating (personal or business name on table), PLUS 3 bonus cards!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Truckee Chamber of Commerce for more information.
10065 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, CA 96161 – (530) 587-8808 –